Eighty-four percent of shoppers have trouble getting help in a fitting room. Are smart fitting rooms the solution? Find out here.
In-store omnichannel is the brilliant way to link the convenience of online shopping and the shopper’s preference to touch and feel the product they’re buying. Done right, brands can create an immersive and engaging physical store with a few well-chosen and thoughtfully-placed mobile devices.
Progressive brands know that immersive in-store experiences help draw customers into the physical shopping experience and connect the bricks-and-mortar store. Here are some of the features you should look for if you plan to incorporate iOS Devices in your Store.
Couponing is still a fantastic way to find new customers and build loyalty in your old ones. iPads mounted as couponing kiosks throughout your store make couponing easy and engaging for shoppers. Here’s how to create an interactive couponing kiosk in your store.