Category: Insights

Why “Light & Fast” Matter for Mobile Retail

The traditional retail scanners and devices might be fine for maintaining the status quo, but lighter, faster, next-gen devices are the devices of choice for retailers who want to build exceptional shopping experiences in their stores.

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Two Devices That Are Helping Retailers Win Omnichannel

Retailers can utilize in-store omnichannel by implementing two key digital devices, creating more engaging in-store experiences for their shoppers. Here’s how.

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Why Are Innovative Retailers Going with Mobile Handhelds In-Store?

Using everyday mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets as handhelds for in-store retail isn’t just clever, it’s vital. See why today’s retailers are equipping their associates with in-store tech.

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Three Reasons Retailers Are Building In-Store Experiences Around Mobile Devices

Today’s customers expect engaging in-store experiences with user-friendly, familiar devices. Here are the three main reasons retailers are turning mobile devices to reshape their brick-and-mortar stores.

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Four Ways Mobile Scanning Is Creating True In-Store Omnichannel

Mobile devices are sleek and light, and they’re bringing the omnichannel experience to retailers in exciting new ways.

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Why Image-Based Scanning Is the Future of Brick-and-Mortar Retail

Image-based scanning is reshaping physical retail by creating an immersive shopping experience and enabling future-proof processing of a number of different types of barcodes.

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Selecting the Right Hardware for Your iPad-Based POS

The right hardware for your iPad-based POS system complements your store design and is constructed with retail-ready materials. Find the right checkout hardware with these tips.

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The One Solution That Does it All for In-Store Omnichannel

Successful brands are focusing more than ever on delivering true omnichannel shopping by finding ways to combine in-store and online shopping into one seamless experience. Here’s the one omnichannel solution that enables countless in-store opportunities.

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